People cooped up, and nature thriving: Some Good effects of Lockdown.
Nature flourishing in lockdown but for how long? While people are cooped up in there homes, lockdown had some mesmerizing positive effects on nature and showed signs of benefitting from our absence. Here are some of the amazing examples which gives signs that the nature is reviving in this time. Cleaner air: This is picture of India Gate , New Delhi Pre-lockdown and Post-lockdown. It clearly shows that lockdown had a deeper effect on the air quality in previous days. It's not just Delhi which is observing such differences rather it's the whole world. Milan,Italy January 8,2020 Milan, Italy April 17,2020 It is evident from the Pre-lockdown and Post-lockdown pics of such cities , that the air quality has improved much thus increasing the visibility. Here are some more examples of such cities which have experienced this change of the good. New Delhi Yamuna river The Grand Canal, Venice Some interesting fa...