Digital India for Aatmanirbhar Bharat :Opportunities on Covid-19 and beyond

Digital India for Aatmanirbhar 
Bharat: Opportunities on 
Covid-19 and beyond



Well, it's been more than seven decades when we got independence and freedom from the Britishers. Indeed, it's true but more in a theoretical way because we are still under the shackles of foreign powers. Be it 'BIG MNCs', Be it 'FOREIGN E-COMMERCE', Be it the major search engine 'GOOGLE', we are still under its influence. One might wonder, why a country like India, with a huge population, is not having its own search engine? why Indian MNCs cannot hold good in foreign countries as foreign MNCs hold here?


It might seem like simple questions but it has a very significant answer. It is because of our mentality. We give preference to the 'BIG' brands rather than giving a try to our local ones. It might be clear now that why getting freedom formally is not sufficient, we have to get freedom from the mentality of 'BIG' and 'SMALL'. We have to become 'VOCAL FOR LOCAL' to make our country self-reliant and achieve our prime minister's vision for 'Aatmanirbhar Bharat'.


 Talking on a digital note, India has high capabilities to strengthen it digitally. But here also, the problem which arises is the 'unbreakable bond' with the foreign technologies which barred us from admiring our local talent. First of all, we should know how digital India would be an initial step towards the vision of Aatmanirbhar Bharat.


why a country must be digitally independent?

❖ History tells the truth, during the Kargil war of 1999 our government approached the USA for accessing its Global positioning system (GPS), but the US denied its access, so it became very important for India to develop its own system. And yes, till 2018 India launched 8 satellites under the name NavIC, which is playing a vital role for the military purposes as well as the commercial ones.

 ❖ In today's scenario as the tensions between India and China grew up there was a risk of data theft from the Chinese developed applications, so 59 applications were totally banned in India. In case of tension between two nations the data of the citizens is at risk hence and it becomes very important to support the domestic developers which would be contributory to the foundation of 'Aatmanirbhar Bharat'. 

why it has become more important in this era of COVID-19?

❖ In the case of today's scenario, the digital platform has proved very useful. For example, Arogya Setu app developed by the government of India has proved useful for handling the records of COVID-19 patients. 

❖ More and more cashless transactions would be taken to avoid the spread of this virus, thus the digital platforms would be a major concern.


❖ The study would go online and most of the meetings and business programs would totally depend on digital technology, so the development of this platform becomes a necessity for the future of our country.

Since we get to know about why a country must be digitally independent now let us take a look at how a country like ours can be digitally independent. First of all, the government should support the local developers of the country with sufficient capital investment and provide them with the latest technologies. It should also work upon providing better infrastructure for the developers so that the problem of BRAIN DRAIN (Large scale emigration of highly qualified people to developed countries) could be stopped immediately. Facts show that a major portion of our country's engineers and scientists (about 1.9 lakhs per year) went abroad for better opportunities. This is a major issue of concern. The lack of good facilities and low pay is becoming the reason for Brain Drain in India. The Government should look over it and should come up with some solution. 

Well, everything needs not to be done by the government rather it is our responsibility too. As a responsible citizen of India, we should encourage domestic talent over the foreign one. We should support the locals and be vocal about it. As it will not only support him but the country as a whole, and indirectly it would be beneficial for us also. If our country reaches heights then it would be for us. So, for the formation of 'Aatmanirbhar Bharat', we also play a very significant role.

lets together hope for a better future :)

this is a [short] see ya in the next one :)





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